Advancing the care, protection, agency, and wellbeing of children and young people.
About Proteknôn Foundation
Our vision is a world in which all children and young people are cared for, protected, and actively contribute to their own well-being and others.
Our mission is to collaborate with others to advance the care, protection, agency, and wellbeing of children and their families through participatory research, innovation, and learning and development.
We are also
Together, we work to strengthen child protection systems through collaborative, inter-sectoral partnerships at all levels, from the individual to the family, household, community, state and global. Our competitive advantage is the inter-disciplinary nature of our backgrounds coupled with extensive field work. Our approach is:
De-colonising the humanitarian and development space
Proteknôn provides a full range of services related to the care, protection and wellbeing of children, including: research, evaluation and assessment; technical support; learning and development; and innovation.
Collaboratively-designed programmes and user-friendly technical guidance on:
child protection in humanitarian action
child migration and forced displacement
child protection systems building
prevention and response to violence against children and child exploitation and abuse, including trafficking
justice for children
social welfare
alternative care
children affected by armed conflict, including CAAFAG
case management
community-based protection
social and behavior change/supporting social change
mental health and psychosocial support
child and young people's participation
prevention and response to gender-based violence
early childhood care and development; adolescent engagement
cash and child protection
children with disabilities
inclusive education
education in emergencies
child rights-based, human rights-based approach and equity programming